Thursday, July 19, 2012

Shenzhen Hospital’s Reform 2012

China is the most populous nation in the world with 1.3 billion people. How does China provide such a huge population with health care? Are the Chinese happy with their social health system? Does it work well for the vast majority?
It is difficult to answer yes or no, as China is a huge country. The level and quality of medical care available depends very much on your location. The rural communities has long constituted the majority of Chinese population. Many of the remote villages are hours from doctors and hospitals and, if lucky, may have some sort of para-medical person. The big cities though have many first-class facilities. In today's China there is no need for the expatriate to go to Hong Kong or to return home for medical care.
In China, no money means no treatment, Shenzhen is with no exception. Without assurances that someone would cover the cost for the patient, no hospital would treat the patient and the hospital has no responsibility even if the patient dies due to no treatment. On June 18th, 2012, Shenzhen the Forth People’s Hospital introduced the new payment reform. “diagnosis and treat first, settle accounts later” came to exist for the first time in China health care.
This payment reform in Shenzhen 4th hospital is for patients’ good. It shortens wait times, prompt treatment is critical in emergency. The late treatment means no treatment in some circumstances for some patients.
However this Medical and health care reform in Shenzhen is currently carried out in the Shenzhen the Forth People’s Hospital only. Patients can take the advantage of this new policy in other Shenzhen hospitals, let alone patients outside of Shenzhen. And unfortunately only the city’s health-insurance holders are now covered. Without Shenzhen’s health-insurance, patients still need to pay for hospital services and treatment upfront, no money no treatment, if one dies, no complain.
But a serious question is how about the patients fleeing away without paying the bills in the hospital?
According to Shenzhen 4th people’s hospital director, 8,000 patients have thus far taken advantage of the service. Only a few patients are fleeing without paying. 47 patients have fled without paying. After the reminding from the hospital, 26 patients have since come back to pay for their treatment bills in the people’s forth hospital of Shenzhen. Still the rest 21 others have not paid their medical fees.

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